Happy New Year – 2021.

Luke slept in until nearly seven this morning. After breakfast and a little Lego building he went outside with Liz and I worked in the garage. I am really making good progress and hope to finish up this weekend. Luke again didn’t nap but I stayed with him in his room for about an hour of quiet time. While we did that Liz baked a delicious apple tart. We all went to the playground on Iron Bridge Road after eating some. The weather was lovely and lots of other kids were there. He didn’t want to leave but we needed to go home and prepare dinner. He and I built another Lego tower while Liz cooked. He did well at dinner but fussed a lot at bedtime.

2021 – looking forwards.

Well, today is day one of 365. I am optimistic that this will be a good year. There is a lot to look forward to and although there will be challenges I foresee a lot of happy times. I am not much of a resolution person but I do have a number of goals and objectives for the year. Most are pretty realistic, I think. And then there are things I am just looking forward to, mostly Luke -related.

Luke will continue with his speech therapy until at least his third birthday, about three months away. Then he will be reevaluated. He has made incredible progress over the past few weeks. Hopefully the virus will begin to fade and he can start getting in some socialization. Liz recently mentioned him starting preschool this fall. He has started potty training and is doing pretty good (I think) at it. So the goal is to make good progress with that in the coming year.

I plan on building and (hopefully) selling two more houses. These will be bigger than the last one and have a few more features. Right now we are getting the lots subdivided. I hope to have building permits by the end of the month. My plans are mostly finalized and the materials lists are almost complete. Hopefully the price of lumber drops and the availability of materials increases. I aim to break ground at the beginning of February. It will be nice to build over the longer days and warmer weather of spring and summer.

We have a lot going on at our house as well. I want to finish up all the little projects inside that should have been done a long time ago. We also need to landscape the outside and finish the she-shed. I think Liz wants us to have another go at planting pumpkins and other vegetables. I will need to get the tractor back down here in order to make that happen. Cutting the grass will be a lot faster and easier this year with the newer mower.

Speaking of new equipment, I hope to at least buy a heavy truck and trailer this year. That way I could transport the tractor and other rental equipment myself. It would be good for hauling more materials too. A small dump truck would be ideal but they are pricey. A flatbed would work too. Might end up with a dump trailer. Need to sell another house or two first though!

I doubt that I’ll be able to go camping this year but it would be nice. I got myself an exercise bike for Christmas and will try to ride it daily.

So, there is a lot to look forward to this year. I’m sure there will be surprises along the way but nothing we can’t deal with.