A cold, but productive start to the week.

Last night I arrived at the cottage a few minutes past ten, watched the latest episode of Magnum PI on my phone, then went to bed. This morning I was at the jobsite at 7:30. I started by insulating the flat ceilings that will be covered with cedar. Next I moved the porch ceiling wood over from next door, a task that did not go at all as planned. The tractor got stuck with the full load, so I had to offload and sort through a bunch of boards before hauling them over in segments. That was frustrating but didn’t take too terribly long. Finally I started on the porch ceilings. That was a real challenge to work on alone, but I made pretty good progress. I worked until nearly dark, then returned to the cottage. At some point I will drive over to campus and have dinner there. I am looking forward to that, although I’m not excited about going back into the cold.