Frustrating Sunday.

Luke was a bit of a challenge today. He woke up super early and was rowdy. We went to the playground in Spring Hill so he could run around, and he enjoyed that. He interacted with some other kids and did lots of climbing. From there we went to Lowe’s, where I gathered more paint samples and Luke looked at lawn mowers. We came home for lunch and he didn’t nap for the second day in a row. Maybe he will tomorrow when I am putting him down again. One highlight from the afternoon was seeing birds at the feeders that I put out yesterday. Hopefully even more will come. Luke was very wild this afternoon and had me and Liz pretty frustrated. Dinner wasn’t much better, although he was at least funny. Bath and bed times were early due to no nap. I had a good ride on the exercise bike this evening and am now just messing about on the computer. I will try to go to bed early tonight.