Burnin’ and mowin’.

After breakfast I took trash to the dump and picked up a battery for my new lawn mower at the Kubota dealer. That was just what we needed and the mower started right up. I briefly tested it then set my burn pile alight. I also went next door and helped Jerry with his burn pile. Next I mowed the back field, nd the mower did a great job despite the grass being very long and thick. I will probably give it one more pass tomorrow. It is exciting to have such a nice mower. It also feels good to have the burn pile burned, although Liz has a bunch of sticks in the front yard that she wants me to burn tomorrow. Luke got a toy leaf blower in the mail today from Uncle Matt, so we did a video call with him this afternoon to say thanks. I spent a bit of time reading to him before dinner which he really enjoyed. He was a little wild before bed, but eventually went down okay.