Mixed news from the doctor.

I called the hand surgeon as instructed this morning and was told to come in and they would try to see me. So I did and was seen promptly. First my bandages were removed, which was quite painful. My fingers looked pretty rough. The PA came and looked at them and took a few pictures to show the surgeon. She returned and had me move my fingers a bit, which I did to her satisfaction. She told me that there would probably be no long term loss of function, but not to work for a month. The nurse rewrapped my hand, I scheduled another appointment for next week on my way out, then I drove home. I spent the rest of the day mostly in bed. I listened to a little bit of some Mike Rowe podcasts and also started the latest episode of Magnum PI, although I couldn’t really get into it. I don’t think I will really follow the Tide tonight. I just don’t have the energy for that.