Another active day.

The mountain continues to be magical. And I continue to be lazy. I didn’t get up for sunrise again this morning. I did at least manage to take Luke for a 3.22 mile walk on the greenway so that Liz could have a chance to shower and relax a little. There were a number of people out. It was fairly humid but not too hot, and Luke slept for most of the time. I really enjoyed breathing the fresh air and seeing the beautiful scenery along the path.

We all took a little mid-morning nap and then drove down the mountain to Kimball. Our destination was Jesse’s Grill, because Liz wanted a hamburger. We both got burgers and sweet potato fries; mine was pretty good. This was our first time going out with Luke and he only fussed a little, then stopped once Liz held him. Fortunately there was only one other couple in the restaurant. After we ate Luke was hungry again, so Liz breastfed him in the car for about forty minutes before we took a new route back to the cottage. It sure was a lot cooler up on the mountain than down in the valley.

We went on another nice late-afternoon greenway walk. Two miles. Luke was pretty relaxed. Afterwards we drove around campus. The goats had gotten out of their pasture and were all over the road. Unfortunately I didn’t take a picture. Their keeper said the electric fence wasn’t working and they took advantage. It was quite the sight to see.

Dinner was sandwiches. I had hoped to take another walk after dark, but Liz was tired, Luke was fussy, and I was a bit sleepy too. It’s a shame since it felt wonderful outside and walking on the greenway after dark could be a fun adventure. Maybe next trip.