
It was pretty cold this morning and that kept me in bed for longer than necessary. Once I finally got up I did some organizing outside, mainly moving the old wood flooring out of the way. I brought in the cabinets with the front end loader and then began clearing the area for us to assemble and install them. I also unloaded my new cedar for the front porch. My dad arrived as I was starting to scrape paint off the kitchen windows. We launched into the cabinets right away. I unboxed them and he assembling them, and together we installed them. I have to say that they look pretty good. And the price was amazing. Now I am just waiting for the apartment cabinets and the vanities to arrive. Tomorrow I hope to go to Southeastern Salvage and buy countertops. Liz wants butcher block. Actually she wants concrete, but that isn’t happening now, although it might at a later time.

We got the cabinets all set and my dad called it a day. I threw the cabinet boxes and some trash bags on the trailer and took them to the dump. Don’t worry, I recycled the cardboard. From there I went to TSC. They had five of the twelve shelf brackets that I needed. I drove up to the TSC in Triune and bought the remaining seven. They are pretty nice and a decent price, and that saves me the trouble of tracking them down on Etsy.

Back at the condo was most of the stuff I ordered off Amazon, Wayfair, and Home Depot. I will take it all down to the farm tomorrow.

The Little Man was finishing up his dinner when I arrived. I read him a new book, Goodnight Gorilla (mini review: it’s pretty lame), and then he went to bed. Liz and I have been discussing house stuff since. She will go to Home Depot and make some decisions tomorrow.