Birthday day two.

Luke really enjoyed his birthday and was in a great mood this morning. He was excited about Meme, Pop, and Aunt Lala coming over this afternoon. After breakfast and some playing we went to the park in Spring Hill. Unfortunately there were soccer games going on and the playground had lots of big kids on it. Luke still had a good time though. After that we went to Kroger for a few things. Lunch was good but he didn’t take a nap. After quiet time my family came and it was time to party. He loved opening presents, and his haul included a crane truck, soccer ball, plane with construction equipment, and books. He had a lot of fun playing with my parents and Lauren. He also enjoyed the cookies Liz baked. He did a lot of talking as well. After they left we raced through cleanup, bath, and bed time because he was so tired. Now I am just relaxing and reading. I hope to go to bed early myself.