Productive in two places.

Yesterday evening’s drive up to the Mountain was uneventful. I drove on the interstate to Highway 64, then came over through Fayetteville. I like that drive a lot. At the cottage I set up a couple of cameras in the back yard to photograph the lightning bugs. Unfortunately the mosquitoes were out too. The pictures turned out okay, although I need to mess with them a bit more.

I was not feeling very motivated this morning but managed to get to the house a few minutes after eight. I installed plates for the security lights, painted trim on the patio doors, foamed under the bathtubs, cleared junk from under the house, sanded paint off the deck, and caulked holes in the cabinet trim. Then I went to the cottage for lunch. My parents arrived and I chatted with them, then I drove to Harbor Freight in Tullahoma where I bought a pump, then I drove home.

At home I weedeated, mowed the back field with the tractor, mowed the back yard with the push mower, unloaded my trailer, reloaded my trailer, and gathered a bunch of tools and put them in my car. It felt good to get so much done.