Busy day, special celebration.

We went to church this morning and Luke did really well. He even received a blessing during communion. Afterwards we ate lunch and played, he napped, then we played some more. Later in the afternoon my parents and Lauren came down. The occasion was to celebrate my dad’s 70th birthday, which is happening later this week. I picked up pizza from Red7 in downtown Columbia, and Liz made sugar cookies. Everybody enjoyed playing with Luke and he had a big time. He sure didn’t want to go to bed though. I drove up to the Mountain after talking with Liz for a bit so that I can get an early start tomorrow.

More rain, less work.

This morning after another late start I went to the storage unit to organize a bit then I met an insulation guy at the house. He measured and said he will get back to me. Next I went to the Goat Market and chatted with Eric for a few minutes before returning to the cottage. There I did some figuring, some drawing, and some researching. I also got an email with an insulation quote from the guy that came out last week. It was high enough to pretty much confirm that I’ll be insulating myself. Earlier this morning I had emailed the building inspector a few question about insulation, but have yet to receive a response. I drove home early afternoon via Manchester and Bell Buckle. It was great to play with Luke before dinner.

Woody, rainy, cold.

This morning I started the day by playing with Luke and his blocks. After breakfast I drove to Chapel Hill for the last of my shiplap and cedar. It started raining as soon as I left there. Up on the Mountain I just unhooked the trailer at the cottage,ate lunch, then went next door to see Debbie. We chatted for a couple of hours then I went back to the cottage and worked on a materials list for insulation, and drew more house plans. The second insulation guy says he will come out tomorrow and I still haven’t gotten a quote from the first guy. It really is damp and miserable outside now. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.