Fall rolls along.

After breakfast Luke and I went to the playground in Spring Hill. He had a lot of fun climbing all the way up the big slides then going down them. He interacted a little with some other kids too. Unfortunately he pitched a bit of a fit when it was time to leave. We had snack at the house and a little later my friend Alex and his wife Maggie came by. They ate lunch with us and chatted for a while. Luke refused to take a nap and fought going for a car ride, so it was a long afternoon. He calmed down a little for dinner and bath. He is about to be put to bed, so we’ll see how that goes.

Uneventful Thursday.

We started the day off with a trip to High Hopes in Franklin. I went to Publix while Liz and Luke were at his speech therapy. It was raining all day so no playgrounds or anything fun outdoors. We had snack upon returning home then played with Legos. He raised a ruckus at nap time, so we went for a drive instead, and he slept. It was quite a large loop – Hwy 7 to the Natchez Trace, down to Hampshire Pike, then to Mount Pleasant and a few other places before going home. It was a good way to kill a couple of hours. Liz worked a little late but we had a nice dinner. Luke was a bit rowdy at bath time, but went to bed without any real issues. I’m glad that tomorrow is Friday.

All aboard!

This morning after breakfast we drove to the park on the other side of town for a special treat. The Mid South Steamers were giving rides on their small trains. We played on the playground while waiting for things to get started, then stood in line for a bit before boarding the train. It was about a fifteen minute ride and Luke seemed to really enjoy it. After we rode Liz had a phone call for work, so Luke and I ate a snack and watched the trains ride by. He reluctantly took a nap, sleeping on the floor next to the door of his bedroom. We played with Legos until Liz finished work, about 45 minutes later than usual. Liz apparently hurt her ankle at the park and it got progressively worse throughout the day. By dinner she couldn’t really walk. So I did all the bath and bedtime stuff and it went pretty well.

Can’t beat fall in Tennessee.

Luke slept great last night – just over 11 hours. After breakfast we went to the playground in Spring Hill. He enjoyed going down the slide and watching a couple of young girls that were there. We played with Legos once we returned home and he built a huge tower. Lunch was good but he didn’t want to take a nap. So we went for a long drive and he slept for most of it. I rather enjoyed it myself. We built another tower back at the house, and once Liz finished work we went for a walk at the nature park. Luke enjoyed finding many different colored leaves. Dinner was a little late, but we all enjoyed it. Now Luke is taking a bath and will go to bed shortly.

Enjoying the cool weather and not napping.

Luke and I drove up to High Hopes for his speech therapy this morning. They did kind of an evaluation, which is apparently done every six months. This one was focused on his receptive language and he did incredibly well. From there we drove up to the playground and met my parents. Luke had a lot of fun sliding and throwing things into the creek. We had lunch back and home and then he refused to nap. I should have taken him for a car ride so he would sleep, but didn’t. So we had a pretty unpleasant afternoon. Liz worked late so we didn’t go to the nature park. I also burnt the rice we were supposed to have for dinner. On the plus side, bath and bedtime went really well. I will be going to Kroger shortly.